Extremely elegant and stylish the Rachael red wine glass has a large engraving area that can be personalised with any crest, logo or wording. When...
A deconstructed Lemon flavoured cake in a jar, provided with a wooden spoon. Our products are perfect for use as part of celebration events and...
Our most popular tankard has the benefit of a large engraving area. Its extremely durable and is suitable for every day use or can be put on...
Delicious Doughnut with a flavoured filling, topped with a high quality edible print or your logo or message. Our products are perfect for use as...
customers and other stakeholders. Companies around the UK use our ECO treats as gifts, greetings and thank-you’s. Looking for products...
A deconstructed Victoria Sponge flavoured cake in a jar, provided with a wooden spoon. Our products are perfect for use as part of celebration...
A deconstructed Chocolate and Caramel flavoured cake in a jar, provided with a wooden spoon. Our products are perfect for use as part of...
A mixed pack of our deconstructed cakes in a jar, provided with a wooden spoon. Our products are perfect for use as part of celebration events and...
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