Mega crunchy. Super crispy. Deliciously creamy. Fluffy chocolaty. Crispy baked waffles, crunchy hazelnuts, fine milk cream and delicious milk...
Ideal for spontaneous enjoyment in between. A fluffy, lightly baked waffle with melt-in-the-mouth cream and delicious hazelnuts give Duplo that...
At half past nine in the morning - whether at home or on the road, in the group or on your own - a Knoppers always fits. The filled wafer slices...
Perfect for every break: The whole-wheat snack with delicious herbs, seeds and sour dough is ideal for the small appetite in between the meals...
Organic sugar from certified organic sugar beet packed in a white paper bag.
Pack of 4 Advent Days Duplo. Ideal for spontaneous enjoyment in between. A fluffy, lightly baked waffle with melt-in-the-mouth cream and delicious...
Organic sugar from certified organic sugar beet packed in a white paper stick.
Crispy baked waffles, crunchy roasted hazelnuts and delicious cocoa cream. Ideal as a trade fair or meeting snack, for in between in the office or...
Fruit gum with tea extract, to prepare a hot drink. Packed in a white promotional paper bag.
Vegan Fruit Gum, without gelatine with cherry flavour, in lip shape, in a variety of pink and black Lips. Packed in a shiny or matt coated...
Finest chocolates in the shape of sticks, made from exquisite ingredients and individually wrapped in gold. Enjoy our lovingly selected...
Paper Egg Box with 4 different brand fillings to choose from with promotional sleeve. Note: Filling options 1 + 2 with additional 4 c printed...
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