002148965 Essential Budget Bar (Unprinted Tees) Single Colour Print

Rubber Tee Bar comprising of 15 wooden tees, Pisa plastic pitch fork, one large plastic ball marker and mini mechanical pencil.
Material: Mixed.


125mm(w) x 30mm(h) x 22mm(d)


Black, White

Print type and position

Marker: 22(w) x 22(h)

Marker: 22(w) x 22(h)

All dimensions are in millimetres

Price breaks and print colour options

Quantity 50 100 250 500 1000
Digital Full Colour £30.52 £20.23 £15.79 £14.30 £12.86
Digital Origination 56.875 54.925 53.3 52.325 51.025
Quantity 50 100 250 500 1000
Print £28.39 £19.30 £15.54 £13.92 £12.43
Print origination £43.75 £42.25 £41 £40.25 £39.25

All prices are exclusive of Artwork, Origination, VAT & Carriage

Lead time

7 working days

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